This is the submenu code [code] <div class="menu"><img src=""><b style=color:white;> SUB MENU</b></div>
<table width="100%" border="0">
<tr><td width="70%" class="menu"><img src=""><b style=color:red;> Bible Quiz And Answers <hr color="green" size="2" width="100%"/></b></td><td width="30%" class="rmenu" align="center"><a href=" FOLDER">View</a></td></tr>
<tr><td width="70%" class="menu"><img src=""><b style=color:red;> Physics quiz and answers <hr color="green" size="2" width="100%"/></b> </td><td width="30%" class="rmenu" align="center"><a href=" Quiz And Answers">View</a></td></tr>
</table> [ /code] NOTE....DUPLICATE AS MANY AS U LIKE