Many People Have Been Requesting For This Code when i did mine. So i
decided To Drop It Oya Lets Go There...!!!
Do the normal blog settings you do for 'whats on your mind'.
1st At your home page add this code, and put the visibility in admin mode.
<form method='post' action='blog_1.xhtml'>Image Url<br/><input type='text' name='blog_title'/><br/>Topic url And description<br/><textarea name='blog_body' rows='5'></textarea>:admin-hash-input:<input type='hidden' name='fnc' value='new'/><br/><input type='submit' name='submit' value='Tag Topic'/></form>
Copy code
now where you want the post to show
put this code
:bloglist:l=18,o=n,t=--::<table><tr><td><img src='%title%' height='45' width='45'/></td><td>%text%</td></tr></table>::<br/>:/bloglist:
Copy code thats all enjoy